(2013- present)

  1. An audience of at least 3 is required.

  2. Instruct the audience to sit in a circle.

  3. Teach the audience an altered part of a song about salvation on earth.

  4. Tell a story in the 2nd person where audience members are killed by a panther that they hit with their car. Resurrect the audience by describing kittens healing their wounds with bloody kisses. Then, while speaking as the panther, encourage the audience to help kittens left in boxes at gas stations and other lowly animals. Intersperse the song you taught the audience throughout the story and encourage the audience to sing along.

  5. Put on a piece of clothing that relates to something you've done in the performance.

  6. Pass hand sanitizer around in the circle.

  7. Pass around in the circle things regarding animals while kneading the air and singing and talking about things that are wild.

The sound of purring should be audible as the audience arrives and should be heard throughout.

Works on paper and canvas should be double-sided and formatted for human hands.

Cite all works referenced or sampled for the performance on a piece of paper that is passed around at the end of the performance.

TOUCHED (2014)Sponsored by Machine ProjectLead a group of hikers to the top of Eaton Canyon to abandoned ruins. We sat on the ruins and I passed my animal drawings around in a circle and sang.

Touched 2014- sponsored by Machine Project

Lead a group of hikers to the top of Eaton Canyon to abandoned ruins. We sat on the ruins and I performed Touched.

Donut Performance

1. Go to a location that sells donuts and offers seating.

2. Go to the counter and buy one average-sized donut.

3. Sit down somewhere where the donut seller can see you.

4. Eat the donut at a typical speed.

5. Repeat steps 2-4 until the donut seller refuses to sell you any more donuts. Do not stop for any other reason. Do not take breaks of any kind.

6. Repeat steps 1-5 at many different locations that sell donuts.

7. Write a two-page report on your experiences.


at Kchung Radio, 2014




Gayme Night of Dread